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Posh Policy


At Prosperasoft, we are committed to fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace for all employees, free from any form of sexual harassment or discrimination. Our POSH policy aims to:
1. Promote Awareness: Educate and sensitize all employees about what constitutes sexual harassment and the importance of mutual respect in the workplace.
2. Prevent Incidents: Establish preventive measures through clear guidelines, regular training, and a culture of zero tolerance for inappropriate behavior.
3. Ensure Safety: Provide a safe environment where employees feel empowered to perform their roles without fear of harassment or bias.
4. Facilitate Redressal: Implement a transparent and efficient mechanism for reporting, investigating, and resolving complaints, ensuring confidentiality and fairness for all parties involved.
5. Encourage Accountability: Hold individuals accountable for their actions while maintaining the dignity and rights of every employee.
By adhering to these objectives, Prosperasoft reaffirms its commitment to upholding the principles of equality, respect, and safety, ensuring a positive workplace culture for everyone.

Scope of POSH Policy at Prosperasoft

Prosperasoft’s POSH Policy ensures a harassment-free environment for all, extending beyond traditional office spaces to remote work and virtual interactions. It safeguards employees across all genders, fosters inclusivity, and addresses third-party interactions with clients or vendors. The policy emphasizes mental well-being, proactive prevention through training, and robust reporting mechanisms, including anonymous options. By promoting bystander intervention and cultural sensitivity, it creates a workplace rooted in respect, safety, and empowerment for every individual.

What is expected of from every employee is

1. Maintain Respect and Professionalism:Demonstrate respect in all interactions, whether in-person, online, or during off-site events, ensuring everyone feels valued and heard.Your actions set the tone for a culture of dignity.
2. Embrace Diversity:Celebrate and value everyone’s unique identity and perspective.
3. Speak Out for Safety:Stand up against harassment and support a culture of respect.
4. Own Your Impact:Take responsibility for fostering a harassment-free, empowering environment.
5. Set the Standard: Demonstrate respect and integrity to inspire those around you.
6. Be an Ally: Step in when needed, supporting colleagues and preventing inappropriate behavior.
7. Report Confidently: Report harassment swiftly and securely, knowing you’ll be heard.
8. Maintain Confidentiality: Keep sensitive information confidential, respecting everyone’s dignity.
9. Engage & Evolve: Participate in POSH initiatives, always growing and learning.
10. Ignite Change:Advocate for continuous improvement, ensuring a safe and inclusive workplace for all.
This approach promotes a proactive, respectful culture where each individual plays a key role in creating a positive, harassment-free environment.


At Prosperasoft, we are committed to ensuring that our employees feel safe, respected, and valued not only in internal interactions but also in their dealings with third parties, such as clients, vendors, contractors, and visitors. Third-party harassment is defined as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that occurs outside of the immediate workplace but directly affects an employee’s work experience. This can include interactions during business meetings, conferences, client visits, or any professional setting involving third-party individuals.

Key Points :

1. Definition:Harassment by third parties includes inappropriate comments, unwanted physical contact, or online misconduct during work-related interactions.
2. Company Commitment: We protect employees in all work situations, offering support and raising awareness about external harassment.
3. Reporting: Employees should report third-party harassment to the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), which will handle the issue confidentially.
4. Action & Support: We investigate all complaints, take swift action (including severing ties with offenders), and provide counseling and legal support as needed.

POSH Policy for Work-from-Home Employees

At Prosperasoft, we are committed to maintaining a safe, respectful, and harassment-free environment, regardless of whether employees work from the office or remotely. Our POSH policy applies equally to all employees, including those working from home (WFH), ensuring protection against harassment in any form—physical, verbal, or virtual.

1. Equal Protection:WFH employees are covered by the same POSH policy as office-based employees, including virtual and in-person interactions.
2. Harassment Types: Includes online harassment (messages, emails, video calls), verbal harassment, and sexual harassment in remote settings.
3. Reporting: Employees can report incidents to the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) via email, online forms, or confidential helplines.
4. Training: Mandatory POSH training covering both office and virtual environments.
5. Support: Counseling, legal, and HR assistance available for WFH employees facing harassment.
6. Virtual Accountability: Professionalism and respect are expected in all online communications and meetings.
7. Zero Tolerance: Digital harassment is treated with the same severity as in-person harassment.
8. Confidentiality: All reports and investigations will be handled confidentially, ensuring employee privacy and safety.

What Includes in Prosperasoft’s POSH Policy

1. Unwelcome sexual advances: Unsolicited and inappropriate advances or requests for sexual favors.
2. Verbal harassment: Sexually suggestive or offensive comments, jokes, or remarks.
3. Physical harassment: Unwanted touching, groping, or any form of physical contact of a sexual nature.
4. Non-verbal harassment: Sexual gestures, lewd looks, or suggestive actions.
5. Sexual favors: Offering or demanding sexual acts in exchange for professional benefits.
6. Unwanted physical contact: Unwelcome touching, grabbing, or any inappropriate form of physical engagement.
7. Assault: Any form of physical attack or intimidation.
8. Blocking or hindering movement: Deliberately obstructing someone’s path or space in a threatening or aggressive manner.
9. Intimidation: Creating fear or a sense of insecurity through behavior, threats, or actions.
10. Humiliation: Actions or comments designed to embarrass, belittle, or degrade an individual.
11. Isolation: Deliberately excluding or isolating someone from work or social interactions.
12. Unsolicited sexual or offensive messages: Sending inappropriate emails, texts, or social media messages.
13. Cyberbullying: Use of digital platforms to harass, spread rumors, or humiliate someone.
14. Inappropriate virtual conduct: Making suggestive or offensive remarks during video calls or virtual meetings.
15. Repeated mistreatment: Continuous verbal abuse, unjust criticism, or undermining behavior.
16. Overbearing control: Excessive monitoring or controlling an employee’s work, making them feel powerless.
17. Public humiliation: Shaming an employee in front of others or putting them down publicly.

Process/Procedure in Case of a Complaint of Sexual Harassment

1. Complaint Submission: Report incidents to the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) via email, online form, or verbally.
2. Acknowledgment: The ICC acknowledges receipt within 7 days and informs the complainant of the process.
3. Preliminary Inquiry: ICC conducts an initial inquiry to assess if a formal investigation is needed.
4. Investigation: A formal investigation is conducted fairly within 90 days, with both complainant and respondent interviewed.
5. Confidentiality: All parties must maintain confidentiality throughout the process.
6. Interim Measures: Temporary solutions (e.g., work adjustments) may be provided to ensure safety during the investigation.
7. Report Findings: ICC submits a report with findings and recommendations to management.
8. Action and Resolution: If harassment is substantiated, disciplinary actions are taken, ranging from warnings to termination.
9. Appeals: Both parties can appeal the decision if dissatisfied with the outcome.
10. Support and Follow-up: Counseling and support are provided, and monitoring ensures no retaliation.